For a while now Apple has ruled over the technology kingdom. With it's infamous iPhone, iMacs being used in schools and MacBooks being the most popular computer among students, it is hard to see where other companies can compete. Google has decided to challenge Apple's iPad. Powered by Android technology, it too has a lot of cool apps. It has a 3D visual rendering system, updated video and music capabilities, as well as a home screen that allows widgets. Widgets provide real-time information that are convenient for the users (they don't have to open an app to know what's going on). The notifications aren't as distracting as the ones the iPad has, which makes the Honeycomb more user-friendly.
Will Android technology beat Apple? Google has been a strong competitor and Apple has been slow to release the next big thing. Maybe it's just our society's blase attitude. We are never impressed unless something is truly innovative. Personally, I will not be purchasing an iPad or a Honeycomb. There will be always be something newer and more cutting edge, so it seems like a waste of money to me. Laptops serve the same purpose as these tablets. Need I remind us all of the netbook craze? They're just smaller laptops with less memory space...and internet can be reached from other devices. Mindless waste of money? I think so. Our society encourages competition, after all one company making all our gadgets just would not be right. So I leave you with this: Who's the new king in our technology kingdom?
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