Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When movies go too far...

Films have long been used as an outlet for entertainment purposes. Some are informational, and these are known as documentaries. But, some documentaries take it too far and exploit a situation just for publicity. The Cannes Film Festival screened a movie called "Unlawful Killing' about the death of Princess Diana and those who were involved in the car accident in the Paris Tunnel. The film reportedly has a picture of Diana the moment before she died. This image is so graphic that it has never been shown before. Also, the film is not allowed to play in Great Britain because of the contract the royals have with the media. This would be seriously devastating for public opinion of the family. Diana was loved internationally and many people still feel the pain of her death. I was 5 years old when it happened and I remember being sad...I liked fairytales and princesses were not supposed to die. What the film aims to uncover is a conspiracy by the british monarchy and many people in the media and society to kill the People's Princess. I truly feel bad for Prince William, Prince Harry, and their loved ones. I think this film will be more devastating than relieving.

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