Friday, December 9, 2011

Don't mess with a college student during finals...

First watch this:

 Breaking news: Finals are stressful.

Okay, so that's not breaking news...but it is funny how that is not really being taken into consideration by the people who filmed or posted this video.

While some people are making fun of the girl in the video for having somewhat of a freakout in the CSUN library. I can see where she was coming from. During finals I have noticed that many students are somewhat on the edge. We all - or at least most of us - are stressed out. Some finals are worth a significant amount of our grades. The real problem I see here is that people weren't being considerate of another student. I know that breathing loudly isn't something that should be freaked out about, but the girl in the video seemed like she was annoyed about people talking loudly as she was trying to study. When you're in the library to study you expect silence, or else you would've gone to a place like Starbucks. I know I have had my moments when I want to go up to someone in the library to tell them to shut up.

Finals are a time when college students are at risk for breaking down. Just earlier this week Virginia Tech had a shooting. I'm not saying this is connected to finals, but it very well could be. People are more stressed out. Students start pulling all-nighters, loading up on caffeine, and in some cases some partake in illegal activities to help them. I know people who have done drugs and taken medication such as Adderall or Ritalin to help them concentrate or stay awake. This really concerns me. It is a common practice in college now. I think the use of drugs like this and people freaking out should be taken into consideration when planning finals. Finals being worth so much of a student's grade may be easy for the professor but it is harming students in ways that sometimes are not reflected in grades. That honors student you think is the perfect student? Well yeah, they could be on a steady diet of Adderall and Starbucks. This is just one of the problems college students are facing.

Video on Ritalin and Adderall use:

On another note, I also think it is wrong to film someone and post it online without their consent. I'm sure the girl in the CSUN video doesn't appreciate it.

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