Saturday, December 3, 2011

Finding entertainment on the web

There are trends in what people think is fun to look at online. I remember when Fmylife could flood my facebook newsfeed. Everybody was reading it and most people thought it was funny. Then came Texts from Last Night. Now, I see things people find on reddit. My point is, the internet is no stranger to fads. With technology there is always something new out there. But, why do some websites become significantly more popular than others?

My theory is that we all want to feel better about ourselves. So reading FML and Texts from Last Night gives us that feeling that we are not the only one out there with our moments. Also, I think it's one of the reasons people watch reality shows. If you think about it, the reason it is so entertaining is because people act so ridiculously that anyone would be happy they weren't in that position. Aside from that, they are plain funny. Websites that cater to that part of everyone's personality...the part of us that likes to poke fun at people (and probably won't directly to a person) usually are successful. This is why people like comedy, satire, and commentators. This is why shows like Chelsea Lately, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report are successful.

It may be sad that people like stupid....but it's what many people (at least my age) flock to.

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